[mod_python] Promoting Python as web application development language

Jørgen Frøjk Kjærsgaard {Metation} jfk at metation.com
Mon Aug 26 12:03:20 EST 2002

Mandag 26. August 2002 08:59 skrev du:
> > I consider my somewhat direct message to the ASF and related messages
> > have been successful: they established what the criteria for a
> > 'python.apache.org' are (check out Jorgen's replies). Additional messages
> > on this topic established that the way to a 'python.apache.org ==
> > mod_python' is a rather clear and straight path.
> Is Jorgen a member of the ASF?

I'm not. I'm a long-time mod_python user with an opinion about this issue. I 
followed the process of moving mod_dtcl to apache.org from the sideline as I 
was a contributor to that module at the time. My intension now is to try to 
ensure that a move of mod_python to apache.org succeeds.

In my opinion the message to ASF was sent way too early in the discussion. I 
think somebody - preferably Grisha, if he'd had the time for it - should 
contact other groups who have moved to apache.org and learn from their 
experience. A good candidate to contact is David Welton of the mod_dtcl 
project. He can be contacted at davidw at apache.org. Davis Welton is also a 
Python user, though I don't think he uses it for web.

regards, Jørgen

Jørgen Frøjk Kjærsgaard, direktør og systemkonsulent
Metation aps - Kystvejen 29, DK-8000 Århus C
Web: www.metation.com  - Tlf: +45 8625 0038 - Mobil: +45 2925 6693

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