[mod_python] some issues

Joost Yervante Damad joost.damad at siemens.atea.be
Thu Feb 15 15:07:34 EST 2001


A friend of me discovered wierd bug in publisher :

def tst(req, arg='none', test='none', longname='none'):
        req._content_type_set = 0
        return "Arguments are '%s', '%s' and '%s'" % (arg, test, longname)

if we now do:


the result is:

Arguments are '', '' and 'z'

Aparently short names are not getting into the functions.
Long names are. Or is this caused by name clashes?

We tested this both with 2.7.1 and 2.7.2 on Solaris 2.6
with apache 1.3.14 with SSL and mod_python statically linked.

Another error I found:

The handling of _content_type_set seems to be broken.

publisher no longer functioned, bailin out at:

if not req._content_type_set:

giving an exeception stating that that variable was not found.

Removing that part and setting the content_type to
"text/html" is our current workaround.

Any thoughts?


P.S.: but we love mod_python :)

Joost Damad - Siemens ICN D NC A - +3214252297
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